Friday, March 6, 2009

First Anniversary Candy Blog ... :))

The candy is close...THANK YOU!!

This post will be on the top until Saturday, March 7th. Please check my others post below. Thanks!

Hi Everyone,

On March 6th I will be celebrating my first Blog- Anniversary. I'm so thankful for all the friends that I made during this year, for all your comments and new faces I'm seeing during the last weeks. Thank you so much to all of you!!! I really appreciate it!!! When I started this blog almost a year ago I was in a point of my life where I wasn't sure if I could make it in so many aspects, but you all prove it to me that everything is possible and that we never should loose the faith.. THANK YOU!!!

In this occasion I will pick 3 winners !!! The only thing that you have to do is posting this candy in your blog and let everybody know... But please you have to own a blog because otherwise would be confusing with the emails and all the entries... Sorry... I will announce the winner on Saturday March 7th, 2009 at 8:00pm ( US Easter time)
I will ship worldwide.

Winner #1 will receive the following goodies...

- A Brand new set of Nestabilities. Label One. ( 6 dies)
- "Thank You" Embossing folder from Cuttlebug.
- A brand new punch from Martha Stewart.
- A package of buttons- brads ( 6 colors)

Winner#2 Will receive a $ 20.00 value gift certificate from "Roses on Paper" and you will be able to choose whatever Summer have available in her store.. And believe me...she have a lot of great stamps and products to choose from.... Take a look at her store here.

Winner # 3 will receive a $15.00 value gift certificate from "Roses on Paper" as well.

I wish good luck to everyone!

LIM :))


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Gøril`s Kreativiteter - håndlaget med kjærlighet said...

Hi! What a generous candy.... It looks amazing... i hope to be one of the lucky winners:-)

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Wow! What awesome blog candy!!Happy Blog Anniversary!!Your creations are so inspirational!!

Unknown said...

Amazing blog candy!! Happy anniversary!!

Light_Z said...

Wooow! So grreats candy!
Thank for a chance and happy anniversary!))

Johanna said...

wow- i really want to have the spellbinders... love them!!!
thanks for the chance to win.

miodo_oka said...

Hi Lim :o)

Happy Blogoversary!

Amazing blog candy!!


Carla Harrah said...

Happy Blogaversary! I'm off to let everyone know!

Erin... said...

WOW WOW WOW what amazing candy!! I linked yo uon my sidebar thanks for the chances!!!

Villeosagamamman said...

Wow, that was terrific candy - so generous! Happy blog anniversary!

I've linked you on my scrap blog: (the link to my name is to my kids' blog, sorry, I didn't get it to work otherwise).

I see you like Swedish stamps - I am from Sweden. Please check out for more beautiful Swedish stamps. I think you would like Maja's friends...

love, Katrin

NormaJean said...

wow this is awesome blog candy, all 3 prize would be great to have, I post on my blog to let everyone know
thank you so much for this great candy!!
and Happy Anniversary

Diamond Doll said...

Hi Lim, What Fab blog candy, a Martha stewart Punch whoo hoo would love one of these.
Happy Blogaversary.
Have linked you on my blog.
Trish (-:

Jen said...

I just blogged about it. PHEW! just inside the deadline!!

Sabine said...

Happy Anniversary and wow - what fabulous blog candy :)

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Wow Lim you are being very generous with your blog candy. I love your blog and congrats on your blog a versary.
Here is mine

Anonymous said...

Hiya lim!

congratulations on a whole year! whoopwhoop! have linked you all up and posted about your candy!

carlz xx

jude said...

WOW Stunning candy you have to offer .Thanks for sharing giving us the chance to win,love your blog
thanks link on rt of my blogg

carine said...

oh wauw...what a great candy..would love to win this one..the martha stewart punches are not for sale here in belgium..thanx for the chance to win to post a link on my blog and happy blog-anniversary

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with your 1st blogoversary! Great candy! I'll link you! :)
X, Ava

Jenni said...

Wow fantastic candy for 3 lucky winners, please add my name to the draw. Happy anniversary!
Have linked to my blog
Jenni x

Unknown said...

Wow, what a candy! I have it on my blog:
NOT the one below!

Unknown said...

Hi Lim Congratulations on your 1st blog anniversary. I enjoy reading your blog your ideas are fun and inspirational thanks for sharing. Amazing blog candy!

Sammy said...

Wow Lim this candy is great. I have only just found ou and have spent a very happy time having a good look. Your cards are stunning.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

Sam xx

Wiccababe said...

Happy Blogaversary - will post your blog candy in my sidebar

♥ Lydia ♥ said...

Happy Anniversary!! :0)
Thanks for the chance of winning your fabulous candy...I'll go and add you to my sidebar now xx

Liza said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I would love to be included in the draw for this amazing candy. I'm off to link on my blog now.

Liza x

Jackie said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! Wonderful blog candy - thanks for the chance! I have added you to my Google Reader and linked you up form my blog, too.

Cardmaking Galore said...

Wow lovely blog candy! Those nestabilities are so nice. Would love to be the lucky one. I am off to leave a link.

iriniee said...

Hola de nuevo, felicidades por el cumpleaños de tu blog. GRacias por hacer otro blog candy, aunque con tantos comentarios es muy dificil que toque, pero las cosas que has puesto están muy bien.

¡A ver si hay suerte¡

Besos desde MAdrid

Anonymous said...

Hello Lim, You know how much I love your blog and all of your creations. Although I think your big heart is what makes you so wonderful. I would love to be one of the lucky winner's of your blog candy...along with the 230 people before me:) I am off to add your info to my blog right now.

Crazy Creations said...

GHow cool I jusy found your blog Its great .that for the chance to win. Sarah

Julie Temple said...

Happy Blogaversary!! Your Blog is wonderful!! I will link you!!

Rubber Hugs,

Suzanne said...

What gorgeous candy. Happy Blogoversary! Your blog is such an inspiration, I love looking around. Thanks for a chance to win
Hugs Sue x

Ms. Cheryl said...

This blog candy is great stuff! I have enjoyed looking through your blog. It is filled with inspiration. I will gladly link you on my blog:
I will also add you to my google reader so i never miss a post. thanks, ms.cheryl

Maria said...

Happy blogoversary Lim. I've posted about your great candy on my sidebar. Hugs, Maria

Susie Sugar said...

Happy Blogging annivesary darling may you have many more .
I have linked up you to my blog , thank you for giving us the chance to win your fantastic candy .
Your blog is beautiful and your work is stunning
Love Susie xx

Annie said...

Congratulations on your first anniversary.
Ann xxx

Diane said...

Wonderful candy! I have you linked here
Thanks for the chance!!!

Katie L Oakley said...

Happy 'Blogoversary!' Great candy you have up for grabs! I have become a follower and shouted your candy out here! (on my sidebar!)
Goodluck everyone xx

Daisy Chain said...

Fab candy. Happy blogversary.

I've posted your candy on my blog too.

hugs Debbie xx

Christine said...

What wonderful candy. Yummmmmy. Congratulations on you first blogoversary.

Unknown said...

have put a link on my side bar...have a good holiday..wasnt sure if this was the right place couldnt find onre o n the dies cuttlebug etc....hug sassyx

Henriëtte said...

What a great candy!! I've added a link on my blog. Happy blog anniversary.

FayraiDesigns said...

Happy Anniversary Lim. Your candy is great. First time at your blog so I'll be lurking around it for some inspiration.

Helen F. said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!
Your creations are beautiful and I will visit every day for inspiration.
Thank you so much for the chance to win some great blog candy~ I am linking you to my (very new) blog now :o)

Lora said...

Wow not thats what I call candy!!
Your blog is so inspirational, no wonder you have done so well. You should be proud of yourself:)
I will go put a link in my sidebar.
Happy Blogaversary!
Hugs Lora

jeanie de la rama said...

hi!thanks for a chance to play. i already became a follower and added a link in my sidebar at my blog.

Stressed Stamper said...

wow nice candy - just found your blog - love your cards you make - linked and joined your blog


Stressed Stamper said...

how can I link to your blog to follow, can you le tme know, unable to find the usual area


K said...

Wow, what generous candies, happy blogoveresary! Thanks for the chance :) I blogged your candy here
Bye, Kitty

Annelies said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!!

I've linked you in my sidebar!


Unknown said...

Amazing blog candy!! WOWWW
Of course I linked you in my blog!

Rowee said...

OMG!!! Love alll those yummy candies!!! I hope I win!!!
thanks for the chance to win!!!
Put a link on my sidebar!!


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Lim, I only came across your blog recently from another blog friend but have added you to my blog so that I can see your creations regularly. I would love to be in with a chance of winning your blog candy to put to good use for my cards for charity.

Here is the link to my blog mentioning your blog candy

Best wishes

Kym xxx

Ceal said...

Wow what great Candy! pick me pick me...I have linked you under blog candy on my sidebar

Tigger a(r)t work said...

Congratulations for your one year anniversary, I am perhaps a nose *lol*, post your blog candy on my blog but leave no message here *lol*, but I get this now, here

The Crafty Blonde said...

WOW!!!! fab blog candy. Happy blogoversary. Will pop a link on my blog for you.
Lyndsey xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Blog Anniversary! I have posted in the Candy Jar in the sidebar of my blog at

Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes!

aardvarkpest said...

Happy Blogaversary.I love visiting your blog for such great inspirations.Thanks for a chance of winning. I have linked you into my sidebar.

Tina said...

Happy upcoming blogoversary! I have put a link on my blog to tell of your blogversary and blog candy! Thanks for celebrating with such awesome give aways!

Carisa said...

Wow, Happy Blog Anniversary and WE get the presents?! LOL I love your cards, so pretty! Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

Stampin Mindy said...

Happy Blog anniversary!What great blog candy. you are very generous!

-Agnes- said...

Happy blogoversary, and thanks for the chance to win. I have linked you here.

Sharon said...

What wonderful blog candy! Thanks for sharing with us! I will put a link on MY blog to you.

Sprytebyrd said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! Great candy! I linked you on my sidebar - fingers crossed!

Jilly said...

oh my oh my Happy blogaversary. Thank you for the chance to win such amazing goodies from such an amazing person. Have linked you in my side bar

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Fab candy. Thanks for the chance. I told about it here.
x Natasha x

Paula said...

wow you are so kind to offer up such fantastic candy im so glad ive found your blog because your card's are so lovely. Im off to link you on my blog now and thank's again for this great chance to win.
Paula xxxx

Suzy said...

Wow. Great candys. And happy blogoversary.
I put the link on my blog and wait :)

Leanne said...

Wow - firstly let me congratulation on your 1st blogday!!! Your creations are stunning!
Secondly, what very generous candy you are giving away!
Your blog candy is on the right hand side of my blog.
Leanne :o)

Tanc said...

Gorgeous candy! Thank you for the chance to win it.

Blomstra said...

What a generous blog candy!
I cross my fingers...

I´m gonna spread the word about your blog candy at my blog;

Donna said...

Happy blogaversary Lim, how generous of you to put up all this wonderful candy, thank you for the chance of winning, take care. Donna x

Melanie said...

WOW - happy blog anniversary! I am new to your blog and love it. I have entered a post on my blog!


Jezz79 said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! And what a great candy!! Will tell my blogreaders about it/Jessica from Sweden

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lainy's Little Blog said...

Fabulous candy Lim. Happy blogoversary. I'm off to post a link on my blog now. Hugs, Lainy xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary! Here's a link to my blog post.


Sam said...

Happy Blogoversary. What lovely blog candy, how can you bear to give it away? Get lots of inspiration from your blog.
Sam x

Dancing Lady said...

Happy Blogversary..and thanks for the chance!!!
It's an awsome candy..and now it's on my blog!

Yaneri said...

Wow! Big Blog Candy! So sweet of you to give this Giant Blogolicious Candy away!!! Congrats on your Blogoversary!!


fili e colori said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!
I've put a link on my blog.
Silvia from Italy

Melanie said...

Happy bloganiversary!!!
WOW... your candys are wonderfull!! I'll hope to be lucky!!
hugs melle

Manuela said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! And thank you for the chance to win such a great candy! I've linked you on my blog .


Olena said...

Amazing blog candy!! Thanks a lot for the chance to win!

Donna said...

Hi Lim. I found your blog through another blog candy alert on Lora's blog. So I've linked yur blog candy on my blog at Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Blogaversary!

Marna said...

Happy Blogaversary! :)
I've linked you in the sidebar of my blog.
Thanks for the chance.

Lori said...

AWESOME! What an awesome give away! Here is the link to my blog!!!

Jona Panesa said...

happy blogversary!!! yummy candies you got. thanks for the chance. posted the link in my sidebar.

cardsandacuppa said...

Happy aniversary toooo youuuu !
Lovely blog and thanks for the chance to win, Hugs Sarah-Jane xx

sandra's crafty corner said...

OMG 3 great candies, your soo generous, i have put a link on my blog about your candy, happy blogaversary to you.
sandra xxx

ale82 said...

ciao io son alessandra, vorrei partecipare al tuo blog candy, complimenti per il blog
ciao ale

Sharon said...

What fantastic candy Lim. Thanks for the chance to win.

Happy Crafter said...

Happy Blogoverary Lim and please can i join your candy draw, it all looks fab and you are so kind:)
Thanks for the sharing and chance:)
Val xxx
Off to blog about your candy now :)

Nuria said...

Hey! congratulations for your blog- anniversary. Kisses from Spain!

Samantha Carlton said...

Hi Lim

Great Candy.... i got to your site via the lovely Roses on Paper blog :o)

Thank you for the chance to win!



Alex said...

Great candy! Thanks for the chance and I am off to put your candy in my sidebar!
Love, Alex

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

Congratulations on your success. You are scheduled to be posted on my blog this Friday.

Christy Papadopoulos said...

That is so super awesome, Lim!
You go girl! Your blog is amazing, and I cannot wait until the day that my cards can even come close to yours!
I will be sure to post it on my blog, too!

Callie said...

Wow! 3 chances to win!! I'm in!!

Pink Dandelion said...

Ooohhh thanks for offering this fab candy. Your blog is lovely. Debs x

Elina said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!! I've linked you in my sidebar.

ILuvBNaMom said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! What a great selection of candy. I've posted a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Dominga said...

hello ... congratulations for the blog ... sorry but do not speak English well ... kisses from the Italy

mu blog:

Cazzy said...

Hi Lim. Congratulations on the blogerversary and what great candy! Going to post a link now.

Cazzy x

Anne Essex said...

Wow, fab blog candy and even nicer gorguss girl cards.

Sandra said...

HaPpY bLoGoVeRsAry!!!!!
Congrats Lim.... Have added a link to my sidebar.
Sandra xx

JACKIE said...

Wow fab candy Lim, would love the chance to win....have linked you back here, happy blogaversary to you....hugs Jackie xx

ScrapyCrafts said...

Great Candy
Thank you

Unknown said...

Happy Bog-Anniversary and thanks for the chance to winn this great blogcandy.I posted a link on my sidebar.
greetings Emilie xx

Crealan said...

I woult love to enter!
I put it on my blog!



Victoria said...

what wonderful candy = please can I join in congratulations on your anniversary x

mellem said...

lovely candy, and happy anniversary!
I will post a link on my blog.

Thanks for the chance to win

Benedicte said...

great candy!
I've posted a link on my left sidebar.

hugs, Benedicte

maxine said...

Wow fantastic candy Lim thank you for the chance to win it.

Mina said...

oh wow what fantastic candy Lim...thank you so much for the chance to win...I have posted a link in my candy bar xxx

SCRAP DIDI said...

Hi !!
Oh you candy is very very fabulous !!!
i love cutelbug and i love nestabilitie !!!
Hugs didi

Julia said...

Oh gosh!!
Lovely candy!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Hug Julia

DillyDilly said...

Great Candy - & Happy Bloggyversary
Hugs DIlly

Tindaloo said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary Lim! :) Thanks for the chance to win one of your cool candies :) I've linked on the sidebar of my page.

Deb Wood said...

I'm sure I was your first fan!! It doesn't seem like an entire year has gone by already. I am so grateful for seeing your cards on SCS that day and even more so for having you as a friend!! Thanks for the laughs and for listening to me when I wasn't so funny! I love you Deb! Big Giant Hugs too!

Just Sweet Creations said...

Happy Anniversary! Congrats on 1 year. This candy is way KOOL!!

Gra Sandel said...

I love your cards, they are so beautiful!!!
Happy Blog Anniversary!!!!!!!!
And thank you for the chance to win this wonderful blog candy!!

Tina said...

Happy Blog-Anniversary! :)
Your Blog is an inspiration!
What an amazing candy... thanks for the chance to win it!
Hugs, Tina

Cheryl said...

I would love a chance to win your goodies! Happy bloaversary.

Ana Isabel said...

Wahoooooooooooooooo que cantidad de participantes...pero me apunto.

Chris (catt871) said...

ohhhhh, what GREAT blog candy!!! HAPPYBLOGAVERSARY!!!!!!! I am adding you to my Candy Jar on my blog!!!! Thanks for hooking me up with H&S!!!!!! :)

ivy said...

This is a very interesting activity.
I'm sooooo happy to konw your blog!
Because I like Lim's cards.
Happy Anniversary!

Here is a link to my blog from Taiwan:

Maureen said...

got you linked on my sidebar...happy blogoversary! fantastic candy!

ivy said...

Sorry,the link isn't right!

Here is accurate link to my blog:

ivy said...

My blog

the link

Heather "Hev" said...

Congratulations Lim :)

Yes it was intimidating starting a blog huh!!

I have added you to my Guilt Free Blog Candy

Have a lovely day!!

Bubbles said...

Fabulous candy Lim, congratulations on your blogoversary. Your work is always wonderful, so inspiring.
Joanne x

Laura L said...


What a great gift you have put together. Thanks for the chance to win!

Ciacchina said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!Thanks for a chance to win this Fantastic blog candy..I linked you on my blog!
hugs from Italy

Katarina said...

What a wonderful candy! And you got so many entries. Congrats on your blogoversary. I wrote about your candy on my blog:


I'm hoping to win one of the prizes for my b-day :)

hello gorgeous said...

Fabulous candy Lim and VERY generous too :D Congrats on your blogoversary - hope you've cracked open a bottle to celebrate in style!!! Have linked you on my blog - pop over when you have time, leave a comment so I know you've been :)

Take care lovely and good luck to all who enter xxxx

Piluki said...

Happy blog anniversary from Spain!

Arianne said...

Congrats on your blog-o-versary!
Great candy!

Here is the post on my blog.

Erin... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy Milford said...

What a great way to celebrate your 1st blog anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win! Here's my blog link:

Margret said...

Hello from Germany. I just found your blog and had a look around. Great work! I love it.
Greetings Margarete

Heidi said...

WOW Lim this blogcandy is amazing. You are so kind and sweet given all this stuff away.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend

Hugs and love

P2Designs said...

Congrats on your first year of blogging. I have to say that I have only been doing this for a couple of months but is sure is fun meeting people and seeing all of the fantastic crafting. You are a great talent - I enjoy your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.


Jodi said...

Congrats on your first year! What a wonderful bunch of goodies. Thanks for the chance to win :)

I've added your giveaway to my blog as well.

Stressed Mother said...

O. M. G. What fantastic blog candy - so pleased to read how much you've enjoyed blogging!! - pleased to have found you and will keep popping in!!

San said...

Happy anniversary Lim! I was visiting your blog today for the first time, and wow! Amazing cards (I just love the Gorjuss stamps by the way). And of course I too want to get a chance and win that fabulous candy of yours. Linked your blog here.

Stellina said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!

You are very generous with this blog candy, I hope to be between the 3 lucky persons!

Here is a link to my blog:

Hugs Patrizia

AnnS said...

Happy anniversary. I love your blog. I posted a link on my blog.

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

WOW, What an amazing candy giveaway. I want one of those label nesties bad, lol. Please enter me into your drawings. Love your blog. You do great work. Happy 1st year blogaverssary.

Jen said...

Wow! Great candy! Don't have a blog yet, but am working on it. Happy Anniversary and thank you so much for all of your inspiration!!


Caroline said...

Congrats on your bloggerversary!

Added a link to your blog to mine!!

Fingers crossed for meee! x x

Lynsey said...

Great Candy, hope I'm not too late to enter!
Hugs Lynsey:)

Maggie.F said...

Hi!Lim, nice to meet you.
I have already introduced your blog candy in my blog.
Your blog candy is really really nice...I hope I could own the I am looking for them....

Anyways, happy blog anniversary..
Thanks for a chance to win!

Froggy said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! What awesome blog candy! I left a post on my blog!! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

deifen said...

Hi Lim!
Happy Blogaversary :-)
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!I've posted a link on my sidebar.
Dei xxx

Anonymous said...

358. That's a lot of comments. I don't have a blog, but I check back when I read the blogs I've bookmarked, and yours is going into my bookmarks. Congrats on your first blogaversary.

Nina Castaldi Fickett said...

I added a link on my Blog. Congratulations on your BlogAversary! from Nina at Purple Faerie

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